One-day license plate application

A one-day license plate is a license plate for 1 day that allows you to drive to and from the inspection of the National Road Administration (RDW).

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All about one-day license plate applications

If you want to transport your car to an inspection station yourself, you must first make an inspection appointment online where you can request a one-day registration certificate from RDW. Through this link you will find the information from RDW on how to apply for a one-day registration certificate. Once you have submitted the application for a one-day registration certificate to RDW, it will be sent to you digitally on the same day.

The one day license plate allows you to transport your car to the inspection station. The license plate is only valid in the Netherlands and only on the day of the examination. When you transport your car to the inspection station, you have to apply the one day license plate in black letters on a plate with a white background and mount it on your car. This does not have to be an original license plate.

Cars that are imported must first be tested by the RDW, before you can drive them. Because you do not yet have a final Dutch number plate, the RDW will issue you with a one-day licence plate. With this registration number you may only drive to and from the inspection site on the day of the inspection. Furthermore, you may not drive the vehicle. You must however take out a valid third-party liability insurance (WA) for this vehicle.

Car insurance for a single-day license plate

At Alpina you can take out insurance for 1 day. You can apply for this insurance online and you will receive the insurance certificate immediately after payment via Ideal. The insurance is valid on the day of the inspection during the drive to and from the inspection station.

Once the vehicle has been approved, you will receive the final Dutch registration number from the RDW. From this date, you are required to take out valid third-party insurance for this vehicle. At Alpina, you can compare the cheapest car insurance online and take out insurance directly.

Oldtimer insurance and one-day licence plate

If you have a vintage car and need a one-day license plate to go to the RDW inspection then the vintage car is covered for legal liability on insurance. After the vintage car is inspected, you will need vintage car insurance. You can compare oldtimer insurance premiums on the website at .